怠鈍亭日乗 ~多分、明日やります~



太字は後でふりかえり。 イタリックは誤字や文法上の誤り。


I've read ”Think English, Speak English” since last month.

It's registered in Kindle Unlimited, I could to start reading for free without subscription cost.
Think by English is my most concerning topic on studying English.

Although I tired to think in English, I couldn't do it or l was like a child.
I want to someone to teach me how can I think in English...


先月から「Think English, Speak English」という本を読んでいます。
Kindle Unlimitedに登録されているので、定額料金以外の支払なしに読み始めることが出来ました。



I have been reading the book "Think English, Speak English" since last month. It is a Kindle Unlimited book, so I was able to start reading it without paying anything other than the subscription fee. Thinking in English" is the subject I am most interested in when learning English.

I try to think in English, but I can hardly do it or I feel like a child. I wonder if someone can teach me how to think in English...



without paying anything other than the subscription fee : 定額料金以外に支払なく
anything other thanで「~以外の何か」というのは使えそうですね。

the subject I am most interested in when learning English : 英語を学ぶ上で最も気になっているテーマ

hardly to do : ほとんどできない
I can hardly to speak Englishは、却って話せそうに聞こえるかも(笑


Kindle Unlimitedで洋書を読むチャレンジをしています。
Kindle Unlimited 洋書 探す方法」でたくさん記事が出てきます!